Our Current Ministry

The Moore´s have ministered in several cities in the state of Minas Gerais since arriving in Brazil. They have pastored churches in Barbacena and Conselheiro Lafaiete.
Currently the Moore´s are living in Juiz de Fora, MG, a city of 533,000 people. This city is located 3 hours by car from Rio de Janeiro. The Moore´s began a new congregation in October ´09. Their desire is to plant a solid Free Will Baptist church that will stand the test of time in this large and needy city.
We are in much need of a new church building. The rent at our current facility is $1000 per month. We've already purchased a piece of property near the downtown area close to a popular mall and have raised enough funds to start building. However, we still lack $70,000 to get this new building built in order to continue to serve those in need in Brazil.
Currently the Moore´s are living in Juiz de Fora, MG, a city of 533,000 people. This city is located 3 hours by car from Rio de Janeiro. The Moore´s began a new congregation in October ´09. Their desire is to plant a solid Free Will Baptist church that will stand the test of time in this large and needy city.
We are in much need of a new church building. The rent at our current facility is $1000 per month. We've already purchased a piece of property near the downtown area close to a popular mall and have raised enough funds to start building. However, we still lack $70,000 to get this new building built in order to continue to serve those in need in Brazil.